Bullion Pivot is an NFT marketplace that allows users to invest in real world assets such as Diamonds, Gold and Platinum. Users can opt to own a fractionalized NFT representing a portion of a precious metal or acquire the entire collection.
- Auctions and donations
- UI/UX for the platform
- Various precious minerals rapport
- NFT marketplace development

Explore NFT
End users can access all information about a precious metal NFT, including grading, color, class, and value. Additionally, users can review the pricing history and trade history associated with the specific NFT.
Buy NFT modal is a popup displayed when a user clicks on the buy option. Users can check their balance and select the fractional amount they wish to buy from the collection.
Collect NFT
"My Profile" page showcases the NFTs owned or bought by a user on the Bullion Pivot platform.
Landing Page
Bullion Pivot's landing page ensures a seamless user journey for individuals at any level of expertise in crypto, be it beginners or advanced users. Both administrators and end-users can easily access the platform through this page.

Within Bullion Pivot's marketplace, users have the capability to purchase Bullions NFTs and trade these precious metal NFTs back to Bullion or to fellow users on the platform.
Create New Collection
Admin users can create their own collection of precious metals, incorporating fractionalized NFTs. Within this process, admins can include images, banner images, and various information associated with that specific collection.
Manage Collection
Admin users can edit the name or images of collections and generate the associated NFTs linked to these collections.
Check Statics
When both administrators and end-users view a collection, they have access to comprehensive information associated with that collection. This includes the total number of NFTs, overall volume, pricing details, and the count of owners possessing fractionalized NFTs within that specific collection.

An inspirational protocol pairing Blockchain technology with the mission of funding research into the medicinal use of psychedelics.
NFTs created by your favorite creators and brands. A Web3 platform, backed by Sygnum, the pioneer digital asset bank across the globe.
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