Linum Blog

Why Decentralized AI Is Gaining Traction

Priscila Malnero
June 18, 2024
A year ago, the term "Crypto+AI" might have sounded like a game of “VC mad libs.” Today, however, as real-world applications begin to emerge, the idea of merging Blockchain and AI makes a lot more sense. Decentralized AI has quickly become one of the hottest topics in the web3 space. Dozens of projects — perhaps even hundreds — are now racing to combine Blockchain's strengths with AI's transformative potential. By the time you finish reading this article, another DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) startup will likely have launched.
The Growing Importance of Decentralized AI

So why is this happening, and why does it matter? You could argue that the stakes of decentralized AI are even higher than those of decentralized finance (DeFi). In some ways, the principles are similar. 

Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin out of a distrust of centralized financial institutions, which often acted in ways that jeopardized people’s money. 

As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives — an inevitable progression — it will have the power to shape how we see the world, interact with it, and present ourselves within it. AI could even influence how we think.

The Surge of AI + Crypto Projects

While an explosion of AI + Crypto projects has emerged since 2022, some have been quietly building for years. Many of these projects focus on infrastructure, laying the groundwork for a decentralized AI future. But now, we're seeing ambitious attempts to create decentralized generative AI models that compete directly with giants like OpenAI.

SingularityNET is one such project that has been pioneering the decentralized AI space. It aims to create a decentralized marketplace for AI services, allowing developers to monetize their AI tools and algorithms. Another notable example is, which combines blockchain and AI to enable autonomous machine-to-machine interactions without human intervention.

Ocean Protocol is another key player, focusing on decentralized data sharing and making it easier for AI models to access and learn from vast amounts of data securely. Its partnerships with companies like Daimler AG illustrate the growing interest and trust in decentralized AI solutions.

Why Now?

One reason for the sudden prevalence of these projects is undoubtedly the current excitement and investment in the space. Venture capitalists are drawn to the heat of the moment, and the return of a crypto bull market certainly helps. 

However, there is also a more practical reason: the staggering costs associated with centralized AI development. Only a handful of companies can afford to play at the centralized AI table, leaving a significant gap that decentralized AI projects are eager to fill.

The Road Ahead

The decentralized AI space is booming, with new projects and partnerships announced almost daily. For instance, Numeraire aims to decentralize and incentivize data science, while DeepBrain Chain focuses on providing a decentralized, affordable, and private AI computing platform.

These advancements are not just about keeping up with trends; they represent a fundamental shift in how AI can be developed and deployed. Decentralized AI promises a future where AI is more accessible, transparent, and secure. It could democratize AI, breaking down barriers and making powerful AI tools available to a broader range of users and developers.


The rise of decentralized AI is more than just a trend; it’s a necessary evolution in the tech landscape. As we move towards a future where AI plays an increasingly central role in our lives, ensuring that this power is not concentrated in the hands of a few is crucial. 

Decentralized AI projects are stepping up to this challenge, and their efforts could reshape the future of both AI and Blockchain. If you're passionate about this intersection of technology and want to be part of this groundbreaking movement, we invite you to contact us. Together, we can drive innovation and create a more inclusive, decentralized future for AI.

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